

A Color management module, containing the Colorwheel generator. As described in the code documentation, the idea of the colorwheel is to choose a sequence of colors, and, by using a next call, select the next color in the chain. Then start at the beginning again.

Our generator allows to multiple return types. You can tweak the return values by setting a generator_type to any one of those values: "rgb_tuple", "rgba_tuple", or "hexadecimal". If calling standard next methods, 3 are provided for each mentioned type of return value.


Colorwheels is a module to generate color sequences. A Colorwheels instance contains multiple color wheel definitions and functions as a generator of color values in multiple formats. You can activate any available colorwheel anytime, to obtain different effects.

class colorwheels.colorwheels.Colorwheels(add_base_colors=True)

Base class for returning color sequences.

We represent colors similar to Color Wheels in photography, i.e. a sequence of colors is located on an imaginary wheel and endlessly served to applications in a given sequence.

Colorwheels can be generated or loaded from a YAML file. See documentation and examples.


Create Colorwheels instance.

wheel configurations is a ColorwheelsConfig object (singleton), which contains color definitions loaded from the environment, or generated by code.

A default configuration object is created (or inherited from other parts of the code).


Activates colorwheel by name, from configuration file. Sets active_wheel with new setting.


ValueError – Raises ValueError exception if name is not found

property active_colors

Color list of active colorwheel.

Exposes the active colorwheels color list for easy iteration

property active_name

Currently active colorwheel name


Use own colors to create a compementing color palette.

Current colors are overwritten.

Tip: to synchronize two colorwheels, create complements before using the generator(s)

See also


You can also change the generator colors by creating a rainbow effect


Get the next color from the ColorWheel as an RGB tuple


RGB tuple of next selected color. The returned value is an integer tuple representing a color, i.e. (r,g,b). Red would return (255,0,0)

Return type


See also


Get the next color from ColorWheel using RGBA


Get the next color from ColorWheel as a hex string


Get the next color from ColorWheel as a hex string


hex string representation of RGB color

Return type


See also


Get the next color from the ColorWheel as an RGB tuple


Get the next color from ColorWheel using RGBA


Get the next color from ColorWheel using RGBA


RGB tuple of next selected color. The returned value is an integer tuple representing a color, i.e. (r,g,b,a). Red would return (255,0,0,255) if alpha is default at 255

Return type


See also


Get the next color from the ColorWheel as an RGB tuple


Get the next color from ColorWheel as a hex string


Generate rainbow color palette, using defaults.

Current colors are overwritten. A new, suitable name is generated.

Tip: to generate rainbow effects with more options, use the related rainbow class method from wheel_item


size – number of rainbow colors to be generated

See also


You can also change the generator colors by replacing current colors with complementing colors


Set the generator type to a value out of generator_types.


ValueError – Raises ValueError exception if new_type is not avaialble

property wheel_configurations

Returns the configuration object ColorwheelsConfig, used by Colorwheels

You can manage the configurations from any Colorwheels instance used in your program. Handle with care! The configurator is a singleton, i.e. if you for example load a different set of colors, all running generators will be affected.